Tuesday, January 16, 2007

And there is God!

This is my answer to the question "Where is God?"

Look at the yearly rains, the daily flowers and the shady trees, and there is God.
Look at a smiling face, a contently sleeping man and a laughing baby, and there is God.
Look at a helping hand, a shoulder patted in support and a wiped tear, and there is God.
Look at the hungry, at the disfigured and the helpless, and there is God.

Look at those who kill in His name, and then who save in His name, and in both there is God.
Look at all the devastation and the prosperity, the haves and the havenots, and there is God.
Look at the night, He is the moon, look at the day, and He is the Sun.
Sometimes He smiles in prosperity and abundance, and other times He calls through pain and sufferring.

For those who wish to see Him, He is everywhere.
For those who close their eyes, He lives within.

1 comment:

A.I. said...


Saying anything more would take away from it.